RIOT Maintainers
Our maintainers help RIOT to grow and improve.
The RIOT community is supported by the following maintainers. If a maintainer has expertise in certain parts of the RIOT codebase and has declared this within CODEOWNERS, this is explicitly noted.
| Alexandre Abadie
- boards/common/nrf*/
- boards/common/nucleo*/
- boards/common/stm32/
- boards/nrf*/
- boards/nucleo*/
- cpu/fe310/
- cpu/nrf*/
- cpu/stm32*/
- doc/
- drivers/sx127x/
- pkg/semtech-loramac/
- sys/usb/
- tests/
| Bas Stottelaar
- boards/common/silabs/
- boards/common/slwstk6000b/
- boards/e180-zg120b-tb/
- boards/ikea-tradfri/
- boards/slstk340*/
- boards/sltb001a/
- boards/slwstk6000b/
- boards/slwstk6220a/
- boards/stk3*00/
- cpu/efm32/
- drivers/si70xx/
- pkg/gecko_sdk/
- pkg/u8g2/
- pkg/ucglib/
- sys/random/fortuna/
- tests/cpu/efm32_features/
- Is one of the GitHub admins of RIOT
- boards/same54-xpro/
- cpu/lpc2387/
- cpu/sam0_common/
- cpu/samd5x/
- drivers/at24mac/
- drivers/at86rf215/
| Koen Zandberg
- cpu/cortexm_common/
- cpu/fe310/
- cpu/nrf52/radio/nrf802154/
- drivers/mrf24j40/
- pkg/micropython/
- sys/include/ztimer.h
- sys/include/ztimer/
- sys/suit
- sys/usb/
- sys/ztimer/
- cpu/samd21/
| Cenk Gündoğan
- Is one of the GitHub admins of RIOT
- *.rs
- Cargo.*
- sys/net/application_layer/gcoap/
- sys/net/application_layer/nanocoap/
| Dylan Laduranty
- boards/sam*-xpro/
- cpu/sam0_common/
- cpu/samd21/
- cpu/samd5x/
- cpu/saml1x/
- cpu/saml21/
- sys/usb/
| Emmanuel Baccelli
- Is one of the GitHub owners of RIOT
- sys/net/gnrc/routing/rpl/
| Gunar Schorcht
- boards/common/esp*/
- boards/esp*/
- cpu/esp*/
- cpu/msp430*/
- drivers/ccs811/
- drivers/itg320x/
- drivers/pca9685/
- drivers/sht3x/
| Hauke Petersen
- Is one of the GitHub admins of RIOT
| Jean-Pierre De Jesus DIAZ
- drivers/bq2429x/
- tests/drivers/bq2429x/
| José Alamos
- *.md
- Kconfig
- boards/phynode-kw41z/
- boards/sensebox_samd21/
- cpu/nrf52/radio/nrf802154/
- doc/
- drivers/at86rf2xx/
- drivers/sx127x/
- pkg/openthread/
- pkg/semtech-loramac/
- sys/net/gnrc/link_layer/lorawan/
- sys/net/gnrc/netif/
- sys/net/netif/
| Juergen Fitschen
- drivers/dose/
- pkg/tinyvcdiff/
| Kaspar Schleiser
- Is one of the GitHub owners of RIOT
- .murdock
- core/
- cpu/arm7_common/
- cpu/cortexm_common/
- cpu/fe310/
- cpu/msp430*/
- pkg/micropython/
- pm.c
- sys/event/
- sys/evtimer/
- sys/fmt/
- sys/include/ztimer.h
- sys/include/ztimer/
- sys/net/application_layer/nanocoap/
- sys/pm_layered/
- sys/riotboot/
- sys/suit
- sys/tsrb/
- sys/xtimer/
- sys/ztimer/
| Kees Bakker
- cpu/sam0_common/
| Francisco Acosta
- cpu/atmega*/
- cpu/avr8_common/
| Leandro Lanzieri
- Is one of the GitHub admins of RIOT
- Kconfig
- boards/lobaro-lorabox/
- boards/sensebox_samd21/
- boards/sodaq-sara-aff/
- drivers/ad7746/
- drivers/ds18/
- pkg/lora-serialization/
- pkg/tinydtls/
- pkg/wakaama/
- sys/clif/
- tests/
| Marian Buschsieweke
- Is one of the GitHub admins of RIOT
- cpu/arm7_common/
- cpu/atmega*/
- cpu/avr8_common/
- cpu/lpc2387/
- cpu/stm32/periph/eth*
- cpu/stm32/periph/ptp.c
- drivers/cc110x/
- drivers/cc1xxx_common/
- drivers/include/periph/ptp.h
- drivers/ws281x/
- sys/include/net/sock*
- sys/xtimer/
- tests/
| Martine Lenders
- Is one of the GitHub admins of RIOT
- dist/tools/dhcpv6-pd_ia/
- dist/tools/sliptty/
- drivers/at86rf2xx/
- drivers/slipdev/
- drivers/xbee/
- pkg/libschc/
- pkg/lwip/
- sys/net/
- sys/net/gnrc/netif/
- sys/net/gnrc/network_layer/
- sys/net/gnrc/transport_layer/tcp/
- sys/net/gnrc/transport_layer/udp/
- sys/net/netif/
- tests/*/tests/*.py
- tests/net/gnrc*
- tests/net/slip/
- tests/pkg/libschc/
- tests/pkg/lwip*
- tests/unittests
| Kevin "Tristate Tom" Weiss
- Is one of the GitHub admins of RIOT
- Kconfig
- boards/openmote*/
- drivers/include/periph/
- drivers/periph_common/
| Gerson Fernando Budke
- boards/atxmega*/
- boards/common/atxmega/
- cpu/atxmega/
- cpu/avr8_common/
| Oleg Hahm
- Is one of the GitHub owners of RIOT
| Peter Kietzmann
- Is one of the GitHub admins of RIOT
- pkg/cryptoauthlib/
- sys/net/
| Thomas C. Schmidt
- Is one of the GitHub owners of RIOT
| Vincent Dupont
- cpu/stm32*/
| Matthias Wählisch
- Is one of the GitHub owners of RIOT
This list is generated by combining the information from the maintainers, owners, and admin teams from the RIOT GitHub organization and the CODEOWNERS file within the RIOT repository.
If you are a maintainer and want to declare ownership for a part of a code base (and receive notifications on pull requests against it), please add yourself and the path pattern to the part of the code base you want to be responsible for to CODEOWNERS, and issue a pull request.